Rose Guild  

Leave a legacy gift for your community’s wellbeing. A legacy contribution to the Rose Guild provides a lasting foundation. A legacy gift support three pillars of Buffalo County Community Partners Rose Guild: education, planning, and evaluation. The base of these pillars was founded in 1995 by 25 community stakeholders who saw a vision of health and wellbeing for their families and communities.

Leave a legacy gift for your community’s wellbeing. A legacy contribution to the Rose Guild provides a lasting foundation.

A legacy gift support three pillars of Buffalo County Community Partners Rose Guild: education, planning, and evaluation.

The base of these pillars was founded in 1995 by 25 community stakeholders who saw a vision of health and wellbeing for their families and communities.

A $1,000 dollar donation invested in education, planning, and evaluation in your community will leverage $6,000 in local, state, and federal grant funds to put plans into action.

These prevention actions include substance abuse, mental wellness, food security, access to basic needs service, early childhood development, and youth connections with adult mentors leading to lasting impact for children and families in Buffalo County.

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“Community Partners holds the vision for health in the community.”

Dr. David Wiebe

Legacy donor

“I would suggest that we begin to put more emphasis on community issues, perhaps the wellness aspect could begin the long process of education, education, education.”

Dr. Bob Rosenlof

Legacy Donor

Team Member

“Setting a target for wellbeing drives collaborative change.”

Carol Renner

Founding Board Member

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