
How do I make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from my IRA?

If you are age 70 ½ or older, you can make a qualified charitable distribution of up to $105,000 from your IRA by following this simple process:

  • Complete the IRA QCD Gift Notification Form below. This will notify the University of Nebraska Foundation that an IRA QCD will be distributed and will provide important details about the gift that will help us process the gift efficiently and ensure the gift is directed as you intend.
  • After the IRA QCD Gift Notification Form is submitted, you will receive an email that includes a copy of the information you entered.
  • Either visit your IRA online account or contact your IRA administrator to initiate the transfer or request from your custodian to distribute a qualified charitable distribution payable to the University of Nebraska Foundation, 1010 Lincoln Mall, Suite 300, Lincoln, NE 68508.
  • Your IRA administrator will disburse funds and mail them directly to the University of Nebraska Foundation.
  • Your gift will be considered complete on the date the funds leave your account. If funds are transferred electronically, it is complete on the date the funds are received at the foundation.
  • If you seek to complete a QCD for the current tax year near the end of the year, be sure to give your IRA administrator plenty of notice, as it may take them several days to complete.

A gift of real estate through your will or living trust allows you the flexibility to change your mind and the potential to support our work with a larger gift than you could during your lifetime. In as little as one sentence, you can ensure that your support of Buffalo County Community Partners continues after your lifetime.


An endowment gift to Buffalo County Community Partners today defines the vision for our future. When you make a donation to an endowment, you give a gift with both immediate and long-term benefits. Endowment donations are invested. A portion of the annual income from the investment is used to address immediate needs of Community Partners .The remaining funds are reinvested to ensure indefinite support. 


If you are interested in learning more about these charitable giving options? Fill out the form below and we will connect with you about what option is best for you. 

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