Started in 2008, the Activate Buffalo County coalition has worked to encourage healthy eating habits and active lifestyle choices as part of the Community Partners 2020 Vision Goal. This year, they chose a new logo and upgraded their website in an effort to better promote those goals.
“The website is much cleaner and easier to navigate. There’s also a focus on sharing more photos and videos to really try to connect with our community,” said Coalition Coordinator Holden Armstrong.
The coalition has also embraced other online mediums such as YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, under the username “ActivateBC”, in an effort to better spread their message.
“Our YouTube channel provides exciting new opportunities for collaboration. Promoting and strengthening the health of Buffalo County is part of the core mission of Community Partners and this is going to be a great method of disseminating information on outcomes and successes,” said Suzanne Brodine, chair of the Community Partners board of directors.
Visit to see all the changes and find out how you can be active!