Our mission is to create awareness, advocacy, and excitement about physical activity and the importance of designing our community for active and healthy lifestyles.
Our vision is to become a national leader in creating a model community where living through active and healthy choices is a priority.
If you have any other questions, or are interested in becoming involved with our coalition, please contact our coalition coordinator at 308-865-2287 or Wellness@BCCHP.org.
Our History
As part of its effort to build a healthier Buffalo County, Community Partners established the Weight and Wellness Coalition in 2000. It was funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska and its goal was to offer nutrition and healthy eating information to Buffalo County residents in a preventative health effort. In 2008, active lifestyle goals were added to its objectives and the coalition’s name was changed to Activate Buffalo County. The coalition included members from Kearney Family YMCA, Kearney Park & Recreation, Two Rivers Public Health Department, University of Nebraska at Kearney Human Performance Lab, and more, and was led by a coalition coordinator from Community Partners. Click here to read more about our history.
We focus on four campaigns throughout the year. They are promoted through community events, programming, and contests; public service announcements in web, TV, radio, and print formats; a dedicated website, active blog, and social media pages; and through policy work and outreach to our community.
Be Active!
Our Be Active! campaign promotes exactly what you think it does: being active! Studies show that even a small amount of exercise a few times a week can add years to your life. It doesn’t take much: a peaceful bike ride, a simple workout, an evening stroll. It’s amazing what being active just a few times a week can do for you.
Our Unplug! campaign encourages people to leave their technology behind, get up, and be active! With childhood and adult obesity as ever-pressing issues, it is important to emphasize the need for physical activity. Unplug! aims to get people off the couch and away from the TV to go outside and play with the dog or take a walk. The physical and mental benefits of being active can make a positive impact on a person’s health, wellbeing, and longevity.
ReThink Your Drink!
Our ReThink Your Drink! campaign challenges people to choose water over sugary drinks like pop, sweetened tea, and sports drinks. A growing body of research is linking sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and other pop ingredients to obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. A simple choice between water and pop could make a huge difference in your and your family’s health and wellbeing.
Lighten Up!
Our Lighten Up! campaign is all about healthful eating, with a focus on food choices and portion sizes. Whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables, and lean meats are keys to a balanced diet. We provide recipes, resources, tips, and more, and promote the USDA’s ChooseMyPlate guidelines.
Upcoming events will be posted here. Check back for updates!
Activate Buffalo County puts on a few major events a year like Walk Out on Your Job and Healthy Kids Weekend. To see full list see their website Activate Buffalo County
Worksite Wellness Membership
This membership will provide local businesses resources to make wellness the norm in their workplace. Your contribution will help provide Activate Buffalo County the means to train businesses and to serve as a hub for wellness collaboration in our community. We provide our members with resources on creating a healthy workplace. We have community businesses who also offer perks to our members to help them in the wellness journey.
What’s it mean to be a member?
This worksite wellness membership is custom to Buffalo County. We want to be a resource for you and your business or fellow employees. Worksite wellness is focus on health and wellness in the workplace. Initially, it was designed to help address the problem of rising healthcare costs at a corporate level. While it is true that wellness programs can have a positive impact on rising healthcare costs and insurance premiums, the benefits don’t stop there. In fact, wellness programs have been linked to a variety of worksite improvements like:
- • Decreased absenteeism
- • Increased productivity
- • Improved employee satisfaction
- • Reduced turnover
Members will receive resources to help on the worksite wellness journey. We have a Wellness Coordinator who is here to help you with a customized wellness program for your worksite. On top of resources for your wellness program, your company and your employees will have access to a variety of great wellness perks throughout the community. These perks are great tools for motivation, education and inspiration in your wellness program.
- Subscription to the Activate Buffalo County worksite wellness blog
- An onsite diabetes prevention event by the Diabetes Referral Network
- Invitations to various lunch and learns throughout the year
- NEMSv vending machine analysis by Two Rivers Public Health Department
- Discounted products and services provided by local community partners
- A discounted “lunch and learn” presentation by Hy-Vee’s Registered Dietitian
- Discounted Storm Hockey tickets for the home game on Saturday, March 18th
- A $5 gift certificate to KPR programs to be used as a wellness incentive
- Discounted corporate offerings from Sweet Success Health Coaching and Yoga
- Discounted golf at Prairie Hills golf course
- Discounted membership and join fee at Good Samaritan’s Wellness Center
- One month waived join fee at the Kearney Family YMCA
- The YMCA’s Power of Possibility program brought to your workplace
- Admission to promotional nights at UNK athletic events
- Discounted and onsite massages by Whitney Benne, LMT
- You’ll get more details about all these great perks in your welcome packet. If you’re curious about the specifics in the meantime, just let us know!
We believe our community’s workforce has the capacity to impact health and wellness at the community level, creating a culture of wellness where we live, work and play. We need your support to foster that culture here in Buffalo County.
Interested in becoming a member?Reach out to us and we will get you a membership form. Email Wellness@BCCHP.org or call (308) 865-2287 for information on the membership.

1755 Prairie View Place, Kearney NE 68845
Mailing Address: Po Box 1466 Kearney NE 68848
Office: 308-865-2284
Email: info@bcchp.org
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