What is Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is a serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Hemoglobin A1c level of 5.7%-6.4% is indicative of pre-diabetes.

About Us


What are we all about?

Our mission is to improve access to resources through the development, use and awareness of a diabetes resource referral system in Central Nebraska.

Our vision is to promote healthy lifestyles by encouraging and facilitating self-management with support through the collaboration of prevention and disease management programs that empower community members to control and maintain their diabetes and pre-diabetes.



  1. Increase the number of primary care provider referrals to local resource programs, such as, the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program and Living Well.
  2. Increase the number of community members aware of the local resources available in the community through the website, marketing promotions, and worksite fairs. 

Key Activites

  • Implementing worksite mini-diabetes fairs to reach employees with information on local resources. 
  • Utilizing Provider Champions to create awareness of coalition efforts and local resources to other primary care providers.
  • Building relationships with primary care provider through academic detailing and lunch and learn strategies to provide information on local resources available to assist patients with prediabetes and diabetes.
  • Updating the Diabetes Resource website with information on all of the local resources available.

Important Data:

  1. In 2012, only 51.7% of Buffalo County adults had been tested for high blood sugar or diabetes within the past three years.
  2. 1 in 3 adults has prediabetes; yet 90% do not know they have it.
  3. Without making lifestyle changes, 15-30% of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years.
  4. Only 67.6% of Nebraska adults with diabetes have taken a Diabetes Self-Management Course. 

Diabetes Prevention Program Success 

Click below to see how a local resident found success with the Diabetes Prevention Program. 


Community Resources

We have compiled a list of local community resources to assist those looking for help or more information. To access the full resource list, click here.


Diabetes Talk of the Town 

Coalition members are invited to do monthly Diabetes awareness segments on KGFW. Catch up on the episodes you have missed by clicking below:

Managing Diabetes with Covid-19

COVID-19 with Diabetes 

Getting Outside and Getting Active

Enjoy Valentines day without the sugar

Healthy Tips for the Holidays

Diabetes Awareness Month

Contact us

For more information, or for any questions, please fill out the form below. 

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