Activate Buffalo County coalition member Bryce Abbey leads the way as Buffalo County workers “walk out on their jobs”.
On May 15th, Wellness Works hosted its annual Walk Out on Your Job event. Over 2,300 registered participants from several local businesses, including Buffalo County Community Partners, took an hour from their workday to exercise.
The day started with volunteers—some from Activate Buffalo County—packing healthy lunches for the walkers. Lunches included sandwiches, multigrain chips, granola bars, and fruit. Water was also provided.
The 1.5-mile walk (approximately 3,112 steps) began at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, went west along the Links Trail, and ended back at the fountain in the center of UNK’s campus where lunch was waiting.
The bright white Walk Out on Your Job shirts worn by all the participants made the event hard to miss. It ended up being a beautiful day to unplug and be active with coworkers, and was a great reminder that even on a busy workday, it’s important to take a break for exercise or stretches.
Click here for Activate Buffalo County’s facebook album from the walk.