August 14, 1996 Community Partners was having their first board meeting. Twenty years later, past and present board members and friends of Community Partners gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the last 20 years. Dr. Ken Shaffer, current board member, was busy in the kitchen preparing a vegan, Ornish meal.
A slideshow of photos from the last 20 years entertained the guests as they ate. The guests celebrated the goals attained by Community Partners over the last 20 years by listening to the individuals who started different campaigns. “All of this started before I was even born,” said Madi Casper, YAB alumnus and current campaign co-chair.
Executive Director, Denise Zwiener said, “We have so much to celebrate as a community, bringing together board members from our 20 year history was monumental. Former board members who moved throughout the United States shared their stories of how this work lead them to tackle other community issues in other communities. Our organization’s success is driven by our board leadership and vision of what we could do together. This is an amazing organization to work for and I am humbled by the success our partners have built over 20 years. Thank you to the 3,000+ partners who work every day to build a healthier community.”
The guests took time to write down their favorite memories from the over the years.
“My favorite memory was going to Washington D.C. representing Kearney,” wrote Cindi Richter.
“The board training by Jane, from ECHO, for the Help Care Clinic,” wrote Linda Muhlbach, first executive director of the HelpCare Clinic.
“I remember going to Lincoln to learn of their Responsible Beverage Service program. We came home knowing we could do it in Kearney,” said Bev Muller, original board member.
The luncheon ended by looking at the partnerships that have been created and seeing the work done over last year. Over the last year Community Partners has Engaged 2,199 people and 705 businesses, Elevated 35 community health issues, Empowered 10,500 individuals, and Evaluated progress by assessing needs of 5,000 residents annually.
Joan Lindenstein signs the guest book. All attendees were encouraged to make a thumb print on the tree to represent their part in Community Partners.
Carol Schwarz & Bev Muller, founding board members.
Dr. Shaffer and Joan Lindenstein
Dr. Ken Shaffer, current board member, explains his dishes to Linda Muhlbach, past board member. Shaffer made taco salad, tomato gazpacho, and vegan "meat" BBQ for the guests.