Community Work Groups
Groups gathering data, working on prevention, and informing the collaborative on implementation in community work.
Community Partner Response Coalition: is the collective actions a community takes to develop a coordinated system of resources and services to strengthen families and enhance family well-being. Community Partners Response is a coordinated system that connects families to Central Navigators, flexible funding and coaching supports. This coordination increases families’ self-support. People served share their lived experience to inform data-driven community decisions. Expanding access to coordinated community services to childcare centers/homes, employers, school social workers and hospital/clinic case managers. Meetings: Every other month via zoom, Third Tuesday of the month at 2 PM.
Buffalo County Early Childhood Collaborative: The vision is that all children and families in Buffalo County will have access to affordable quality care and education, families, caregivers and child care providers will be supported, and children will have the resources to develop and grow to their fullest potential. Meeting: Monthly via zoom, Third Wednesday of the month at 1 PM.
Buffalo County Rooted in Relationships: Rooted in Relationships helps childcare providers and schools’ access evidence-based practices that enhance the social-emotional development of children.
Buffalo County Communities for Kids: Communities for Kids is an initiative to assist our community to address childcare shortages by creating opportunities to build, enhance quality childcare and increase accessibility for parents.
Buffalo County Food Leaders – Local Food Leaders are partners working together to solve food security issues issue by designing coordinated community activities and tracking shared measurements. Partnering with Center For Rural Affairs. Meetings: Third Thursday of the month via zoom.
Buffalo County Housing and Emerging Issues Task Force: This group was formed to discuss current housing-related needs in our community. The group is made up of case managers and community leaders working to solve housing barriers in the community. Meetings: Monthly via zoom, Third Wednesday of the month at 2 PM.
Buffalo County Positive Pressure Coalition: Their mission is to aid communities in the coordination and integration of resources, and the use of evidence-based practices to reduce substance abuse. They have focused on decreasing youth alcohol use and other substances by connecting parents access to resources. Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month, 12pm, Community Partners office, with zoom option.
Buffalo County PhotoVoice: This program is designed for youth to develop creative self-expression and constructive communication skills through photography.
Salud para Todos (Mental Health For All): Support the development of Bi-lingual Mental Health First Aid training in Buffalo County faith communities and build connections among Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) trainers to build a plan for train the trainer education and implement coordinated community WRAP trainings for youth. Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2 PM, Community Partners office.
Buffalo County Well-being Collaborative is a collection of community partners representing cross-sector participation including those with lived experience that come together to share interests, resources, time, and expertise in order to achieve larger impact or common purpose. Building collective impact around shared agendas, shared visions, and shared measurements. Leadership: Amber Lubben, Kearney Regional Medical Group, Genesis Acosta, UNK Student, Beth Baxter, retired behavioral health systems work, Gabe Kowalek, City of Kearney Police Department, Danay Velazco, St. James Catholic Church, Ryan Stanton, Compass, Michelle Warren, University of Nebraska at Kearney. Meetings every quarter.
Buffalo County Youth Advisory Board: Buffalo County Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a program and a philosophy that recognizes youth as valuable resources in our community and empowers them as equal community partners to bring about positive community change. The youth tackle a range of social problems that concern them from our economy and environment to safety, substance abuse, and behavioral health.