Community Partners welcomes five new board members this January. Filling the Church, Civic, and Consumer positions are Mike Tye, Tye Law Firm, Peggy O’Dea, retired teacher, and Leslie Martin Education and Agriculture Representative. The Business and Industry position is being filled by Monte Dakan, President Viaero Events Center, while the Government position will be filled by City of Kearney Council member Bob Lammers. “Volunteering is important to me and I have been interested in the work that Community Partners is doing for our community.
I am looking forward to learning more about this organization and where my strengths can contribute most,” said O’Dea.
Martin said, “I am very excited to be joining the Community Partners board. I have lived in Buffalo County for over 25 years and have seen many great changes taking place in our communities. I want to be a part of improving peoples lives through healthy living.”

Bob Lamars, Monte Dakan, Mike Tye, Peggy O’Dea, Leslie Martin comprise the new Board members elected in 2016.
The board’s role is to advise, govern, oversee policy and direction, and assist with the leadership and general promotion of Buffalo County Community Partners (Community Partners) so as to support the organization’s mission, vision and goals. Community Partners has been blessed with community members that are active and who want to make a difference in the community by serving on the board.
The board welcomes the 2016 Executive Committee; Chairman – Nikki Gausman, Executive Director, SAFE Center; Vice Chairman – Crystal Winfield, Executive Director, UniNet, Local Chapter; past chair – Lisa Reese Parish; Treasurer – Megan Loomis, Probation Officer, State of Nebraska Buffalo County; and Secretary – Andrea Rabe, APRN Central Health Services.
“To be honest, until I was approached about joining the board I didn’t know anything about Community Partners, however I thought that it would be a great opportunity to get to know and become active in the communities in which I work and live. Stepping into a leadership role is an honor and something that I think will make me a more active and successful board member, “ said Secretary, Loomis. The board is looking forward to celebrating the 20 year anniversary of Community Partners by making the vision and mission known to the community.
Our Mission is to assess, strengthen, and promote the health of Buffalo County. We are accomplishing this mission by focusing on the 2020 vision to impact these areas:
1)Active Living and Healthy Eating 2) High Impact Prevention Services 3) Eliminate Health Disparities 4) Healthy Homes and Sustainable Communities 5) Injury Free Living