“I was fortunate enough to be a part of the Buffalo County Youth Advisory

Newspaper clipping from the Kearney Hub, October 11, 2005. They ran an article about Ripp’s involvement with YAB.
Board during its early years. I remember being very excited about the opportunity to serve for this organization that placed a great emphasis on youth empowerment. After being a part of numerous organizations throughout my undergraduate career and now in professional school, YAB still sticks out in my mind as one of the best extracurricular experiences.
Although the Buffalo County Community Partners offer invaluable guidance and manpower, the youth on the board are the driving force behind everything the group accomplishes.
Not only does YAB give the youth of Buffalo County a medium to voice the issues they face, but it also gives them the means to develop unique strategies to do something about them. Furthermore, YAB instills within its members the importance of community-minded citizens and the capacity of all of its citizens to have a positive impact on the places they call home. I have a feeling Buffalo County will benefit in the years ahead as more and more youth transition from YAB members to community leaders.”
Kevin Ripp
UNMC College of Dentistry
2008 Graduate Pleasanton High School.
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