Mark ForadoriMark Foradori
Youth Coordinator/Violence Prevention Coordinator

Mark works with the Youth Advisory Board, leads the PhotoVoice program, and coordinates the United Against Violence Coalition. We asked for some insight into what he’s up to in the next few months.

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Anyone who has followed the national news for the past year can easily recognize our need to better learn how to resolve our differences in non-violent ways. From rioting, to the excessive use of force by police, to school shootings, to the use of torture, violent behavior persists as a threat to our personal safety and to our way of life.

Buffalo County Community Partners’ United Against Violence Coalition is bringing together parents, child care professionals, educators, school counselors, mental health professionals, youth pastors, and law enforcement personnel to exchange ideas and combine our efforts to keep children safe and help them to become successful in our schools and community. By teaching children to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner, we are helping to build a more peaceful world.

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