Kearney Elks Lodge members distribute Red Ribbon Week materials to SEM Public school. (From left: Jerry Blaha, Lance English, Andrey Gallegos, Don Newquist, Chase Erwin and Riley Harris)
Buffalo County Community Partners is collaborating with Kearney Elks Lodge #984 for this year’s Red Ribbon Week. Members from the Kearney Elks Lodge will be going into all the Buffalo and Phelps County Schools during that week to distribute materials that will promote the use of the 40 Developmental Assets and encourage youth to be drug free. There will be Red Ribbons and stickers, bookmarks and calendars, as well as movie tickets that will be awarded as prizes to youth at each school who administrators have noted to be making positive decisions, being a leader or succeeding academically. In addition, the Parents, Take A Stand media materials from The Positive Pressure Coalition will be distributed to school offices and students.