Molly Klinginsmith (Kearney) receives information from a Nebraska university at the 2011 “Show Me the Money” scholarship event.
Attention all high school students and their parents! It’s time for the second annual Youth Advisory Board scholarship event, “Show Me the Money!” Come on November 4th from 2-5 p.m. to the Nebraskan Student Union (upstairs) on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus.
This is a great opportunity for high school students and their parents to learn about applying for financial aid and scholarships, as well as talk to the universities and organizations that will be in attendance.
There will be four sessions available to attend:
-How to Be A Senior
-FAFSA Question & Answer
-Applications, Scholarships & Financial Aid
-Student/Parent Panel Discussion
In addition, students who attend are entered in to win scholarships from Buffalo County Community Partners (must be present to win).
This event is sponsored by Buffalo County Community Partners, BC Youth Advisory Board, the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Nebraska Counseling Association, Nebraska Professional School Counselors, and Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Honor Society. Visit www.bcyab.org or call 308-865-2284 to register or for more information.