We are so grateful for the wonderful turnout of volunteers and donors who helped serve over 2,000 individuals for Thanksgiving.
Rebecca Allen | Wayne and Kathryn Gappa | Spencer and Sarah Kuhl | The Smalls |
Gary Anderson | Ken and Mary George | Lea Lawn | Gary and Julie Steffensmeier |
Anonymous | Jerry and Joyce Gloystein | Legacy Outdoor Advertising | Brad Stephan |
Arram Family Foundation | James and Nancy Graham | Samuel Leibhart | Gary Stromberg |
Ronda Artrup | Sue Hankins | Jacqueline Lewis | Eugene and Kristi Svec |
Christine Atkinson | Eric & Erica Edwards | Lexington Community Foundation | Rod & Heather Swanson |
B 4 Inc. | Larry and Carol Hardesty | The Lodge Restaurant Customers | Greg Tesdall |
Joseph and Glenda Barber | Michelle Hayes | Peter & Diane Longo | Jasmine Thompson |
Ralph Becker | Hellman, Main, Coslor & Kathol, P.C., CPA’s | Linda Mackey | Jerome and Barbara Thompson |
Aidan Bentley | Jerry and Tami Hellman | David and Maria Martin | Tillotson Enterprises, Inc. |
Mark Berke | The Hinga Family | William and Regina McCann | Gene & Tammy Tillotson |
Rita Black | Cheryl Hough | Robin Menschenfreund | Ken and Alicia Tracy |
Bruce Blankenship | Paul & Tammy Jackson | Dominic & Deborah Mills | Justin and Kim Troudt |
Jayme Bomberger | Colleen Jacobson | Lori Moore | Fasse Valves |
Maxine Brass | The Jaixen Family | Marta Moorman | James Van Pool |
Rebecca Bredenkamp | Deanna and Mark Jesse | Angela and Dirk Nickel | William and Linda Vosik |
James and Julia Brooker | Merle and Debbie Johnson | Keffenie Pollard | Mike Walcott |
The Buckle Benevolence Committee | J.R.’s Western, Inc. | Karen Prososki | David and Julie Weir |
Patricia Candy | Richard and Audrey Kauders | Jerry and Jeanne Rash | Del & Jill Weiser |
Central Hydraulic Systems & Equipment | Kearney Area Community Foundation | Ravenna H R Block | Dave and Beth Westesen |
Dennis & Peggy Choplin | Charles and Jeannie Kelliher | Dean and Rosemary Ringlein | Scott and Alyssa Wewel |
Culligan of Kearney | Lesley Kerner-Slaymaker | Pat and Adell Ryan | Beth Wiersma |
Roger Davis | Brad Kernick | The Salvation Army | Jerry Willis Inc. |
Yvonne Deyle | David Klone | Tomas Schachta | William and Annette Wozniak |
John and Sue Divan | Jennifer Knepke | Karen and Don Schutte | Deb, Dave & Elizabeth Young |
Roger Elsen | Knights of Columbus 4th Degree – 609 | Bob Scriven | Jerry and Annie Zapp |
Kari Fisk & Patrick Lee | Pete and Jane Kotsiopulos | Rosalind Sheldon |
Foote Convenience Plaza | Chuck and Wendy Kreis | Patricia Skiles |
Gary and Mary Forbess | Scott and Cindy Kugler | Dave and Joyce Slaughter |

Donor List updated 12/4/2020