2021 was a year to remember. We hosted focus groups throughout 2021 to listen to the needs and barriers that still exist in our community. Almost 6,000 hours were spent collectively on zoom last year! We created spaces for meaningful listening, strengthening relationships, and collectively responded to the needs of our communities. Here’s a look at how we and our partners met some of the challenges in 2021. Take a look back and celebrate with us!
Staff Celebrations
1. Second annual laptop recycle drive to help community, providing 100 laptops to community
members in need.
2. 160 counseling sessions provided through mental health gift certificates
3. MyLink launched and connected residents to resources in our community. These resources were
translated in multiple languages and kept updated locally.
4. Expanded Photovoice program offering a class during the summer term and a class for Spanish
speaking students.
5. Provided funding and opportunities for child care providers to increase quality and capacity of
their care.
6. Means restriction efforts
a. 423.80 lbs of prescriptions collected
b. 350 Medication lockboxes purchased and 55 gunlocks given out
7. Launched SNAP EBT program at the Farmers Market increasing their “reach.”
8. 920 people received emergency housing and utility assistance when no other funds were
available with the Community Response Fund.
9. Handed out 1 millionth Farmers to Families Food Box.
10. Updated staff policy and procedures creating greater financial accountability.
The staff showcased their celebrations at the board meeting where the board also added their “vision” celebrations for 2021.
Vision Celebrations
1. Board started out 2021 as the Collective Impact Collaborative Steering Committee
2. Board chose to use collective impact and results-based accountability model to lead 2030 vision
3. Community Wellness Indicators were blessed by community partners
4. 60 community partners provided a shared vision around Community Wellness Indicators
5. 100 community partners blessed four visions, collective impact and results-based accountability
6. 30 community partners come together to form the Buffalo County Collaborative Steering
7. Almost 6000 hours of planning time via zoom with 6600 community partners.