Walkers at the 2014 Walk Out On Your Job took a break from work to get some exercise over the lunch hour.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Walk Out On Your Job, a 1.5-mile walk over the lunch hour that is one of Kearney’s largest wellness events. In the past, up to 2,200 participants have registered to step out of the office and hit the trails. The event serves as a reminder to engage in worksite wellness and is set to be the launching point of a walking at work program created by Activate Buffalo County.
“Walk Out On Your Job is a great way to kick off an employee wellness program, or just to get businesses and employees thinking about wellness during the workday,” said Kate Hannon, who is working to develop employee wellness initiatives with Activate Buffalo County.
The event will be hosted by Activate Buffalo County this year, and the coalition is looking for sponsors to help make the 25th anniversary extra special. If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the event, visit ActivateBuffaloCounty.com/walk.