Nebraska Senate Candidate Luis Sotelo stopped by the YAB picnic to learn what issue are important to YABBERs and what they’re doing about them.
On October 21, members of the Buffalo County Youth Advisory Board met for their monthly meeting and held their annual picnic. The picnic gave new members and their parents an opportunity to meet everyone involved with the board.
“While YAB is mainly focused on empowering youth through skill building and advocating for issues, there is also a social component that’s important,” said Youth Coordinator Mark Foradori. “The annual picnic gives YAB members and their parents a chance to get to know one another and helps build bonds that make for a stronger board.”
In addition, Luis Sotelo, who’s running for the Nebraska Senate, stopped by to discuss issues with the YAB members and get their perspective on today’s issues. YAB member Jake Senff said, “As a youth, being approached by political entities isn’t a common thing. It was very interesting to sit down with a politician and hear the issues addressing our area. Overall, it was an eye-opening experience that prompted the political minds of our youth.”