Thank You, November Donors!

Thank You, November Donors!

Thanks to our donors, we’re now at over $83,000 of our $125,000 goal! Thank you, October donors: Mike & Jo Baldwin Theodore G. Baldwin Foundation City of Kearney CLARCOR Foundation Bob & Ann Huddleston Jessie Perez Keith & Jan Rodehorst Roger &...
Thank You, October Donors!

Thank You, October Donors!

Thanks to our donors, we’re now at almost $70,000 of our $125,000 goal! Thank you, October donors: Richard & Barbara Beechner Bills Liquor Buckle, Inc. Buffalo County Board of Supervisors Drs. Mark & Kim Bush Century 21 Midlands Frank Dineen Family Practice...
PhotoVoice Reception November 19

PhotoVoice Reception November 19

At the final PhotoVoice class on October 21, participants selected four of their best photographs and wrote captions to describe the message behind them. These photos will be printed, framed, and displayed at the PhotoVoice reception on November 19, from 5:30 p.m. to...
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