Survey Says….Annual Campaign Goal Surpassed!

Survey Says….Annual Campaign Goal Surpassed!

  Buffalo County Community Partners celebrate this week as campaign donations surpassed the 2015 Annual Fund Campaign Goal of $155,000.  Recent donations from local grant making foundations and businesses complete Community Partners final campaign push raising...
20 Years of Community Partners

20 Years of Community Partners

Community Partners was formed by people in the community with the same vision; to recognize health issues in the community and seek answers for how they could be addressed.This model has created a very successful nationally recognized organization. This year we will...
Building a Foundation

Building a Foundation

“A unique and incredibly awesome outcome that was deemed important but far reaching when Buffalo County Community Partners was formed, was creating an organization with the leadership and resources, (human, financial and in-kind) needed to sustain itself over time, in...

Tribute to Board Member Elnida Chandler

‘Calling’ is defined as a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence. This defines our board member, Elnida Chandler, and gifts she shared with our community. Elnida chose ‘calling’ as her...
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