
Assessments are an essential part of the model created by Buffalo County Community Partners. Our funding requires our programs be evidence-based, meaning they are dependent on measurable results and outcomes to determine their effectiveness.

2021 SHARP Results
SHARP is the umbrella encompassing the only three student health surveys endorsed by the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS). The administrations of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), the Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS), and the Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey (NRPFSS) were combined in 2010 to make up the Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) Surveillance System.

Buffalo County Community Partners has done an oversample for both the YRBS and the NRPFSS since 2000 to better understand issues facing youth in the county. Traditionally, the surveys are conducted in nine middle and high schools in Buffalo County, Nebraska every two years. A Developmental Assets Profile is also conducted on at that time. Developmental Assets have been extensively researched and have shown that the more assets youth possess the less likely they are to engage in high-risk behavior.

Buffalo County Community Partners board of directors processes the survey results and creates shareable documents with pieces of information most relevant. Find downloads to created data sheets as well as the full reports below.

Buffalo County Youth Risk and Protector Factor Student Survey 

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Brief Data Sheet (Created for Ravenna Public Schools)  

Mental Health Data Sheets From 2021 YRBS Survey 

Substance Abuse Data Sheets From 2021 YRBS Survey

Nutrition Data Sheets From 2021 YRBS Survey 

Physical Health Data Sheets From 2021 Survey 

2021 Buffalo County Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Full Report

2021 Buffalo County Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey (NRPFSS) Full Report 


Developmental Asset Profile 

2021 Buffalo County Developmental Asset Report Full Report 

Data Sheets from 2021 Developmental Asset Report



2018/2019 Adult Status Questionnaires 
During the Spring of 2018, 996 Buffalo County residents participated in the online Mental Health Adult Status Questionnaire (ASQ), and during the Spring of 2019, 798 Buffalo County residents participated in the online Physical Health ASQ.  Both surveys were administered by Political Science professors at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Both surveys were modeled after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Buffalo County Community Partners commissions the surveys every two years to provide the community with important data in which to make decisions, secure needed resources, and evaluate community based outcomes of the Buffalo County 2020 Vision.

2019 Physical Health Adult Status Questionnaire Results

2018 Mental Health Adult Status Questionnaire Results


Older Assessments

(These assessments include data from all previous survey years)

2018 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results

2018 Nebraska Risk and Protective Factor Student Survey

2018 Developmental Assets Profile Results (Youth)


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